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1st International Congress, UCD: The Global Irish Diaspora. FIRST CALL FOR PAPERS.

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15th – 19th August 2017, University College Dublin

This is the inaugural congress in a triennial series that examines the histories, cultures, heritages and identities of Irish communities beyond Ireland’s shores.

More than 70 million people worldwide can claim descent from Irish emigrants. For many decades there has been considerable scholarly interest in the history of emigration from Ireland, from its beginnings in the middle ages (to Britain and parts of Europe) through the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries (to all corners of the globe), and in how ‘Irishness’ has been and continues to be maintained and expressed by descendant communities. However, the sheer scale of the Irish diaspora has created obstacles to an international conversation and exchange of ideas. Comparative perspectives will greatly enhance our worldwide research on subjects such as the many causes of Irish migration, the types of people who migrated, the shared or divergent experiences of the migrants in different places and times, the material remains of diaspora, the impact of migrations on host populations and cultures, and relationships between diasporic communities and Ireland.

This congress provides a stage for this long–needed, international exchange and discussion. Researchers from many fields and from every corner of the world are invited to Dublin to attend four days of plenaries and parallel sessions, where they can present their work, meet fellow–researchers, exchange ideas, and establish research networks within and across disciplinary boundaries.

Proposals are invited for RESEARCH PAPERS and/or SESSIONS and/or POSTERS

Contributions may be of an empirical nature, or may address such themes as migration, transnationalism, colonialism, postcolonialism, and all perspectives from all disciplines are welcome. There are no restrictions on subject–content as we explore creating new disciplinary alliances and intellectual synergies in the field of Irish diaspora research.

The Early Bird conference registration fee (until March 31 2017) for four days is €200, and €100 for students, and can be paid on–line, starting in October. Accommodation will be available on–campus for those who wish to stay in UCD for the duration of the congress, and further details will be posted on the conference web–site.

To submit a proposal, please fill in the attached form. Your proposal will be considered within five days of submission. Please note that you will have an opportunity to fine–tune your title and abstract before it is published on the congress web–site, so a provisional title and abstract can be submitted, provided they remain close to the final version.