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Celebrating UN Human Rights Day

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December 10 is UN Human Rights Day. The date was chosen to honour the United Nations— General Assembly’s adoption and proclamation, on 10 December 1948, of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), the first global enunciation of human rights and one of the first major achievements of the new United Nations.

This year’s slogan, Human Rights 365, encompasses the idea that every day is Human Rights Day. It celebrates the fundamental proposition in the Universal Declaration that each one of us, everywhere, at all times is entitled to the full range of human rights, that human rights belong equally to each of us and bind us together as a global community with the same ideals and values.

This year Human Rights Day comes at a time when the United States of America has begun to deal with its recent past and its curtailment of human rights; and as the Irish Government seeks to assist the European Court of Human Rights in determining the full facts in the case of the ‘Hooded Men’

Shoes - PFCIn London, the Pat Finucane Centre will be displaying the Shoes from the ‘In Their Footsteps’ exhibition in Central London.

They are inviting families who wish to pursue truth and justice for their loved ones killed and/or injured as a result of the conflict, to unite for a Day of Action in London on International Human Rights Day 10th December 2014, 12pm–3pm.

Contact Sara/ PFC 02871268846 or John/Ballymurphy 07860382930 Robert/McGurks 07752000513