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Cork City Council has unanimously passed a motion calling for voting rights for Irish citizens living abroad!

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Cork City Council has unanimously passed a motion proposed by Cllr Nicholas O’ Keeffe calling for voting rights for Irish citizens living abroad. The wording of the motion must be welcomed as a very positive move towards ending disenfranchisement; and highlights the emotive #hometovote campaign where many emigrants from Britain and around the world travelled home for the Marriage Equality referendum. It is worth noting that many City and County Councils in Ireland passed similar motions calling for marriage equality in the years and months leading up to that referendum.

The motion:


An Chomhairle considered and unanimously approved the following Motion:–

‘That Cork City Council supports the extension of voting rights for Irish Citizens living abroad. This Council calls on the Government to investigate ways in which these voting rights can be extended to ensure that Irish Citizens continue to have a voice and representation in their home country. The recent ‘home to vote’ campaign which saw thousands of Irish Emigrants return home to vote in the Marriage Equality Referendum underlines the urgent importance of extending voting rights to Irish Citizens abroad.’

(Proposer: Cllr. N. O’Keeffe 15/205)