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EU referendum – too early to call

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In–depth YouGov polling conducted over the summer reveals the challenges and opportunities for those campaigning to stay in or leave the European Union. With the Labour leadership election out of the way, the next year or two of Westminster politics is likely to be dominated by the issue of Europe, or more specifically, David Cameron’s promised renegotiation and referendum on EU membership.

The results of the YouGov Analysis suggest that it is far too early to make any assumptions on the final result, with a mix of opinion from the general public. When asked which way they are most likely to vote and whether they may change their mind, 50% of respondents are currently leaning towards voting to stay, 40% are leaning towards voting to leave, 10% have no idea at all. The core pro–EU support, those who say will definitely vote to stay, is 31% with a further 19% saying they would currently vote to remain but could be persuaded to vote to leave. Core support for leaving is 23%, with 17% currently voting to leave but open to persuasion.

You can read the full analysis from YouGov here but we want to know what you think on this issue, please take our short survey below, all responses are anonymous.



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