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’I am an Immigrant’ Poster Campaign Seeks to Celebrate Migrant Contributions

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A campaign has been launched to “celebrate, not vilify” the contribution of immigrants to Britain, as the Tories and Labour pledge to cut the number of newcomers to the UK ahead of May’s general election (reported the Huffington Post).

The campaign aimed to raise £13,000 through a crowd funder campaign but revised this upwards to £44,000 and has since overshot its target and raised over £54,000 to date.

The Movement Against Xenophobia (MAX) wants to create posters promoting individual immigrants with the words ‘I am an immigrant’, and display them on the London Underground and railway stations across the country, in a bid to fight what they see as an increasingly anti–immigration tone in British politics.

Jennie McShannon, Irish in Britain CEO said that “As Irish in Britain we are one of the most integrated and least visibly different migrant communities in Britain but it wasn’t always so easy for us to fit into British society so we are delighted to see this campaign greeted with such success.”