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Irish in Britain interactive map

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Our new interactive map illustrates the scope, size and distribution of the Irish community in Britain. Clearly Irish people can have an effective voice as voters and constituents across the country.

This map uses data from the last census to detail how many people born on the island of Ireland lived in each House of Commons constituency, accompanied by MP profiles. It also tells you how many people held an Irish passport in English and Welsh constituencies. You can search for your MP or constituency on the side tab.

We’ll be updating this as soon as possible after the next census – 21 March 2021 – which is nearly upon us. Expect to see the numbers with Irish passports go flying up!

If you would like to read more in depth about these figures, check out our Mapping the Irish and Visualising the Irish series. Please direct any queries to Ruairí Cullen at

Explore the map, or click on the image below if on a mobile device, and find out how ‘green’ your area is.