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Kilburn pub hosts charity darts marathon

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A Kerry London publican will be hosting a twenty–four hour darts tournament later this month to raise some much needed funds for charity.

The tournament, held at the Kingdom Bar, Kilburn will benefit two charities – the Irish Kidney Association and FOP Action, a charity that supports research into Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Progressiva, a genetic disease which causes the victim’s muscles and tendons to turn to bone. Players will be ‘on the oche’ from the evening of Friday 28 February, through into Saturday, finishing exactly twenty–four hours after the first dart is thrown.

Linda Kissane of the Kingdom Bar and a member of the Kerry Association London, explained how the tournament has come about. “I have wanted to organise an event like this for a few years as I am quite close to a number of people who have been deeply affected by the difficulties experienced as a result of both FPO and kidney disease.”

“In the past, we have supported Sinéad Nammock, the sister of Seanie Nammock, a London Irish FOP sufferer, as she fundraised over £40,000 to find a cure for FOP. The Irish Kidney Association is also an important charity for us as a number of our customers and close friends have been touched by this disease and we feel it is crucial to support Ireland–based charities.”

The Irish Kidney Association is a charitable voluntary organisation dedicated to meeting the needs of renal patients and their families and carers, living with and affected by end stage renal disease. Meanwhile, the FOP centre requires £120,000 in donations every year to continue a valuable research programme at the University of Oxford.

Anyone is welcome to participate in the tournament and the pub will be taking sponsorship on the night and in the run up to the event.

For more information, please contact Linda Kissane or call the pub on 020 8624 8501.