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MPs sign motion of support for Irelands Marriage Equality vote.

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An Early Day Motion (EDM) on Marriage Equality in Ireland has attracted 44 signatures of MPs from across the political spectrum including, the Conservative Party, the Labour Party, the Scottish National Party, the Social Democratic and Labour Party, the Green Party and Plaid Cymru.

EDM 53 was tabled on 28 May 2015 by Emily Thornberry MP and reads:

“That this House congratulates the Republic of Ireland on becoming the first country in the world to endorse the call for marriage equality in a popular vote; believes that Ireland has fulfilled the aspirations of equality campaigners by winning majority support in virtually every parliamentary constituency and concluding the referendum process with a decisive 62 per cent result; notes the remarks of Taoiseach Enda Kenny that those who voted in the privacy of the ballot box made a very public statement in the spirit of generosity, compassion, inclusion, love and equal marriage; recognises the support given by LGBT Irish in Britain, many of whom got the boat or flew back to participate on the day; further believes that the Irish vote can serve as a beacon of hope for those still facing oppression; and urges the Government to support LGBT equality around the world, most immediately in Northern Ireland, the only part of the UK and the island of Ireland where same–sex couples will still be barred from availing of their civil liberties.”

John O’Doherty of Belfast’s Rainbow Project thanked Emily Thornberry and all of the co–sponsors of EDM 53 on marriage equality. He said that they welcome

 “the support of MPs from across the UK for the extension of Marriage Equality to Northern Ireland. Ensuring equal access to and recognition of marriage across the UK is fundamental to ensuring that the rights of all citizens are recognised and protected. We believe that the current position is unlawful and that persons cannot be married in one part of the UK and not in another. We welcome the action of MPs to address this inequality and reaffirm our commitment to ensuring equal marriage becomes a reality for all residents of the UK.”

Amnesty International’s Programme Director for Northern Ireland, Patrick Corrigan said that “As the co–organisers, alongside the Irish Congress of Trade Unions and the Rainbow Project, Northern Ireland’s main LGBT group, of Saturday’s march and rally in Belfast, we very much welcome the solidarity from MPs in all parts of the UK.”

Mr Corrigan went to on describe the march for civil marriage equality of June 13 which saw up to twenty thousand people take to the streets in support of equal rights in Northern Ireland. He said “it was an unprecedented demonstration of public support for marriage equality – and indeed, larger even than any rally on the issue seen in the Republic of Ireland. The march showed the widespread support which now exists among the public in Northern Ireland, support which is sadly not yet fully echoed among MLAs in the Northern Ireland Assembly.”

They were joined by Patricia McKeown of UNISON Northern Ireland who welcomed the motion and said they were  “immensely proud that the People of the Republic of Ireland stood so strongly in support of equality and human rights. We believe that given the same opportunity the People in NI will follow suit.”

The EDM has gathered 35 signatures so far and you can see those MPs here. If your MP is not listed you can find your MP and contact them here to find out why.