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Networking success at the Embassy

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Irish in Britain has been matchmaking. The night before St Valentine’s Day, Irish in Britain hosted a networking event at the Irish Embassy with the Irish International Business Network (IIBN). 

Anbassador addresses eventThis special event was organised to create the opportunity for member organisations to meet representatives of the Irish business community with the hope that fruitful relationships would develop for all involved.

The evening was hosted by Ambassador Adrian O’Neill who welcomed everybody to the Embassy and wished the event every success.

After introductions from Irish in Britain CEO, Brian Dalton and Conor Foley CEO of the Irish International Business Network, Irish in Britain members took their places around the room. Each gave a pitch to IIBN representatives about their work and what partnership they might be looking for, then at the sound of a bell the IIBN representatives moved on to listen to a new potential partner.

NetworkingIn some cases the conversation was going so well that people wanted to extend their time, but fortunately the evening included plenty of time for networking after the formal introductions.  

We have received lots of positive feedback from both members and business representatives about the evening, many left with the view that future collaboration would be mutually beneficial for all. Ant Hanlon, Leeds Irish Health and Homes, wrote that it was a ‘very enjoyable and worthwhile event. Thank you for sorting it’. Twitter was buzzing with positive reactions:

‘A great evening @IrelandEmbGB for the @IIBN – @IrishinBritain matchmaking (speed networking) event! How members of @IIBN can help @irishinbritain #charity#volunteer @MenziesLLP’. Martina Fitzgerald, Menzies.

‘Interesting speed–dating night @IrelandEmbGB last night. Thanks to @IIBN and @irishinbritain – look forward to some matches soon!’ Safe Home Ireland.

‘Privileged to have been invited by His Excellency the Ambassador of Ireland to the United Kingdom, @AdrianGONeill, last evening, @IrelandEmbGB, with the @IIBN and @irishinbritain and meeting chosen charities working to support to the Irish communities across the country.’ Rod Geoghegan, Metropolis Partners.

We hope this will be the first of many such events that will enable Irish in Britain members to make new connections among the Irish business community.