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New fund opens for projects to support Gypsy, Roma and Traveller communities

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The Department for Communities and Local Government (now the Ministry of Housing, Communities & Local Government), in collaboration with the Department for Education and the Department of Health, is to run a pilot programme of work to improve the outcomes of Gypsy, Roma and Traveller communities

The department is looking for six pilot projects in the areas of community cohesion, educational attainment and health outcomes, it has a budget of £200,000 and welcomes bids from organisations “with the vision and capability to deliver such interventions”.

To support bidders with their applications, there is a workshop on 19 January, 2:30–5pm. To reserve a place, please email

To be eligible to receive the grant, an organisation must be a registered charity or have a charitable purpose. The successful bidder will also need to have a demonstrable record in delivering projects and working with Gypsy, Roma or Traveller communities, and have a credible community presence.

The deadline for applications is 18 February 2018.

To apply, or for more information email Please ensure you quote ref. “GRT fund” in your subject heading.

Applicants are strongly encouraged to familiarise themselves with the programme specifications and the weighting of the selection criteria before submitting a formal bid. For example each project should: cost no more than £30,000, run for a period of 12 months starting April 2018 and be based in England.

All bidders will have the opportunity to receive impartial feedback on one draft application from officials in one of the three Departments; if this is of interest, please email by 4 February 2018.