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New video highlights ways to support those living with memory loss and dementia

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Irish in Britain’s Cuimhne team is delighted to have produced a special book “My Story”, accompanied by a video, to help family members, friends, carers and community volunteers learn from and engage positively with people living memory loss and dementia.

Irish in Britain’s Cuimhne team is delighted to have produced a special book “My Story”, accompanied by the video below, to help family members, friends, carers and community volunteers learn from and engage positively with people living memory loss and dementia.

In this video our Cuimhne Champions highlight some of the practical and sensitive issues to think about before launching into memory book, oral history and reminiscence projects with people across our Irish community in Britain living with dementia.

This video does not replace face–to–face discussion and group learning but rather offers a 17 minute taster of topics we are able to cover in group training so that reminiscence work can be planned with thought, understanding, caution, and care.

Irish in Britain is very pleased to be able to offer groups bespoke learning sessions (between two and six hour sessions delivered over one or two days and adapted to the needs of the group). Thanks to the generosity of people donating to our Cuimhne project, learning sessions can be offered free of charge to our member groups across Britain.

Please contact us for more information: