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Taoiseach Enda Kenny and Prime Minister Theresa May

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TAOISEACH Enda Kenny has vowed to maintain close links between Britain and Ireland on his visit to Downing Street, reports The Irish Post.

 Meeting new Prime Minister Theresa May for the first time yesterday, Mr. Kenny had been invited to Number 10 to discuss how Britain’s decision to leave the European Union might affect Ireland.

Confirming that Ireland would not be following Britain’s lead on Brexit, the Taoiseach said: “For our part, we have already made very clear our view Ireland is very much committed to staying in the EU.

“We want the upcoming negotiation process to end with a prosperous and outward–looking UK which retains a close relationship with the EU. This is in all of our interests,” he added.

Northern Ireland as also top of the agenda during the meeting.

Mr. Kenny stated:

“We reiterated the importance of the partnership between our two Governments in supporting the peace process and in contributing to stability and continued progress in Northern Ireland,” Mr Kenny said.

“We also discussed the many issues that arise in the context of the outcome of the recent UK referendum on EU membership. While it is not the outcome that we in Ireland wanted, we fully respect the democratic vote of the people of the United Kingdom.

“We will work with the Prime Minister and all our partners in the EU and in the Northern Ireland Executive to make sure we achieve the best possible outcome in forthcoming negotiations.


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