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Treasure chest of goodies including funding available for prospective Cuimhne group leaders

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treasure chest

We’re offering 10 Cuimhne group leaders the chance to receive one of our Cuimhne Treasure chests including a £500 fund. Cuimhne means memory in Irish.

The treasure chest is a package of tools to help you kick–start a Cuimhne group for people with memory loss in London.

What’s in the treasure chest?

  • A pot of gold equivalent to up to £500
  • A toolkit with resources to help make your organisation memory–loss friendly
  • Outreach support, training, advice, help with publicising activities on Irish in Britain’s website, help to connect with other groups and services to exchange ideas and good practice advice

What to know

Could a Cuimhne Treasure Chest help you to develop inclusive activities for people with memory loss in the community? Your activities may support people from diverse communities but should include older Irish people. Groups can support people living with memory loss and /or their carers, family and friends.

Groups do not need to be registered charities, but priority will be given to members of Irish in Britain with a constitution, bank account and permission from the Chair.

Treasure chest money may be used for direct voluntary activity costs such as room hire, volunteer travel expenses, healthy refreshments and arts and craft materials. The fund cannot contribute to the costs of staff time.  This is a one–off payment to help you set up a group, ongoing costs are not provided.

Groups will need to report back to Irish in Britain on the progress of the group.

How to apply

Copy and paste the following details in an email to the Cuimhne Coordinator at

Organisation name:

Organisation contact details:

Name of 2 volunteers who would like to be Cuimhne Champions supporting this activity:

Activities you are seeking support with:

People who will benefit:

What difference will a treasure chest make?


Any particular support or training you are looking for:

Name of organisation chair or person taking responsibility for being the key contact with Irish in Britain and reporting back on the activity


There is no application deadline and applications will be considered on a case by case basis until pots of gold run out. 


More information

See more information on our Cuimhne Project and stay up to date with our Cuimhne Blog. Contact if you would like to become a Cuimhne Champion.