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We want your old laptops and iPad! Why not donate your old gear to an isolated Irish elder?

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 “My iPad has brought Irish News, Sport, Music and Books to my fingertips” (Richard) 

smilingCuimhne Champions learn about the importance of conversation for people experiencing memory loss, the principles of cognitive stimulation and the valuable role music has to play.  A laptop or iPad is a valuable tool for accessing music, films, games and news about the world.  Skype and email are invaluable in enabling people who may be lonely and isolated, or housebound, to connect with family and friends far away. If you have an extra laptop or iPad that you no longer need, Irish in Britain would be pleased, through our Cuimhne project to rehome it with an Irish person experiencing memory loss. Our champions will provide basic training on using the laptop/iPad. If you would like to make a laptop or iPad donation, please contact Zibiah or Charlotte at Irish in Britain on 0207 697 4064 to find out where your nearest community centre collection point is.