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World Alzheimer’s Day 2020

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Zibiah Loakthar, our Cuimhne Coordinator writes:

Today 21 September is World Alzheimer’s Day. September is World Alzheimer’s Month. But Alzheimer’s affects people all year. Why have a dedicated day? 

Campaigners feel that a globally–coordinated awareness month and day can help give focus to campaigns to raise public awareness about Alzheimer’s and amplify key messages to policy makers. World Alzheimer’s Month can be used to educate and challenge people’s misconceptions about dementia and give renewed energy to campaigns.

How much do you know about Alzheimer’s? 

Have a go at our short true or false quiz to find out…

True or False?

1. Dementia is a collective name for progressive degenerative brain syndromes which affect memory, thinking, behaviour and emotion.

2. Alzheimer’s disease is the most common type of dementia, affecting up to 90 percent of people living with dementia.
3. People as young as 20 may have Alzheimer’s.
4. There is increasing research evidence to suggest that a healthy diet and staying physically, mentally and socially active can help reduce our risk of developing dementia.
5. Memory loss and confusion is not always a sign of dementia, sometimes it can be the sign of carbon monoxide poisoning from a leaky gas cooker or gas fire in the home.
6. People may take on the role of main carer for a friend or family member or loved one who is living with dementia without any training at all.
7. You can make a difference in the campaign to reduce stigma and promote better understanding of and support for people living with their dementia their family and carers.

True or False?

All statements above are true. For more information click HERE as well as information on our own Irish in Britain website.

At Irish in Britain we seek to raise awareness about dementia and its impact on those who may be diagnosed with it and the ability we have in our community to challenge stigma make a positive difference to people’s experience of dementia. We are also concerned to raise awareness about the need for better support for people who may be caring for family members, loved ones and friends living with dementia.  

This World Alzheimer’s Month sees the launch of our new online resources Cuimhne Carers Project and a series of webinars about caring for people living with dementia which are open to all

What simple action you could do this World Alzheimer’s Day to join the international campaign to raise awareness and challenge the stigma that surrounds dementia?

Help us spread the word about our free resources training and support for people caring for people living with dementia by sharing this link in any way you can with people in your networks.

Join one of our workshops on Understanding Memory Loss, Dementia in the Irish community. For more information please email