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Gypsies and Travellers Essex


Sherrie Smith




GATE (Gypsies and Travellers Essex), is community-led organisation. Our board of trustees has members from Gypsy, Roma, and Traveller communities. Our ethos is to challenge disadvantage and prejudice often experienced by GRT communities, using education, and raising awareness. We work locally but aim to have national influence.

We work across the county of Essex with Gypsies, Roma, and Travellers in secure and temporary housing, on the road, on private sites, and on the 12 local authority sites.

We have set up residents’ group with representatives from all 12 sites. We aim to invite settled in Bricks/mortar accommodation GRT from across Essex to join.

We also work with individuals helping them deal with some of the difficulties that may challenge them.

We work to raise health standards. This has been much of our work since March, supporting local NHS with Covid advice.

We currently have no funding. We volunteer and use our own resources.