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Irish Community Care

Visit website


Kate Daly


0151 237 3987




151 Dale Street, Liverpool, L2 2AH

We are a leading participant in the provision of support, information & guidance for all Irish, Irish Traveller and Gypsy Traveller communities.

​Our aim is to ensure well informed, empowered and vibrant Irish communities across the North West of England.

​We value, promote and celebrate our rich history, culture, heritage and the invaluable contribution our communities make to life here in the UK.

Our Values

​To reflect our vision & mission we have three core values that underpin everything we do.

Care / Curam

To deliver services that promote independence, improve quality of life and introduce opportunities


Community / Comhluadar

To promote the wellbeing and inclusion of all Irish people irrespective of culture, age, background or location.

Connection / Ceangal

To build and deliver sustainable services through authentic and viable partnerships and clear communications