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Irish Elderly Advice Network

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Margaret or Nora


0207 428 0471 (10am to 5pm)




Irish Elderly Advice Network, London Irish Centre (Murray Street entrace), 50–52 Camden Sq, London, NW1 9XB

The Irish Elderly Advice Network was founded in 1993 after three vulnerable older Irish people were found dead on their homes in Camden. They had been completely isolated and had not been able to ask for or get any help or companionship in their later years – particularly in their final days. These tragedies shook the Irish community and a number of passionate older Irish people came together to found the Irish Elderly Advice Network to try and ensure that this did not happen again.

In the years since, the Irish Elderly Advice Network has been hugely successful in empowering and supporting older Irish people; in tackling isolation and providing friendship and solidarity; in ensuring people have all the benefits and help they are entitled to; in helping people move back to Ireland safely; in helping people to live out their old age in dignity and comfort; and in campaigning for changes and improvements for older Irish people.

Our focus has always been, is now and will always be vulnerable older people. We have always – thankfully – had extremely dedicated staff who really believe in the service we provide. Over the years we have helped thousands and thousands of people and the numbers continue to grow.