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Liverpool Irish Festival

Visit website


Emma Smith


07804 286 145




FF9, Northern Lights Liverpool Cains Brewery Village 5 Mann Street Liverpool L8 5AF

Founded in 2003, the Festival brings Liverpool and Ireland closer together, using arts and culture. As the most diverse celebration of Irish culture in the UK, we have become a ten-day festival of music and song; visual arts; performance arts; culture, history and identity sharing, talks and tours and film. 

Liverpool Irish Festival receives regular funding from Liverpool City Council’s Cultural Arts Investment Programme and the Irish Government’s Department for Foreign Affairs Emigrant Support Programme. It received Arts Council England’s HM Government Cultural Recovery Funding (2020-21) and has received grant funding for 2022-23. The Festival’s Liverpool Irish Famine Trail work is funded using National Lottery Heritage Funds.

The Festival is a proud member of Creative Organisations of Liverpool (COoL), The Baobab Foundation and Irish in Britain, holding representation on the Irish Government’s Department of Foreign Affairs’ Emigrant Services Advisory Committee, Liverpool’s Festival Forum and the Cultural Connectedness Exchange Network, which it founded and chairs.