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Breda Corish



Professional Background

I relocated to London from Ireland after studying science at University College Dublin and worked in the international STM (sci–tech–medical) information industry for over 30 years, specialising in the use of medical and intellectual property information for decision support solutions used by healthcare organisations, industry and academia. During this time, I also worked at the UK national standards body and membership organisation, BSI British Standards, where my responsibilities included management of government funding and oversight of standardisation committees representing industry and other stakeholder groups.

I’m currently on a career break, having returned to full-time study for a History degree at Queen Mary University of London.

Personal Overview

I was born in Dublin and grew up in rural Kerry and Limerick. London has been home since I moved here from Dublin in 1987, wanting to live in a city that was open and inclusive in a way that 1980’s Ireland was not for many of us.

I stay close to Ireland through regular trips with my English husband to see family and friends back home, but for a long time I did not engage with any Irish organisations in London.  

All of that changed in October 2016, when I started volunteering with the London–Irish Abortion Rights Campaign as a Convenor of our Policy & Advocacy Working Group and Steering Group member.  Through the #Repealthe8th, #HomeToVote and #NowForNIcampaigns, I have connected with a diverse range of organisations, politicians and people involved with the Irish community in Britain.

As we face the uncertainty of the post–Brexit landscape, I firmly believe that Irish in Britain has a key role to play in being an effective voice for the Irish community, in all of its diversity.

General Interests

When not at work or volunteering, I particularly enjoy literature, social history and genealogy as well as going to see live music.