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Gerard McHale



I’m a junior doctor working in the NHS in Southeast London. Over the last year I have had the pleasure of graduating from the first Irish in Britain New Leaders Programme, and it has inspired me to put myself forward for this role.

I’ve lived in the UK for the last 12 years, initially moving to work in finance as part of the post 2008 generation of immigration. I completed my Chartered Accountancy training with PwC in Dublin in 2009 and then worked in several finance roles across London. I returned to university in 2013 to become a doctor.

Prior to moving to the UK, I was involved in the voluntary sector in Ireland, with roles in the Irish Red Cross as well as other organisations in the west of Ireland.

In 2014 I was elected a District councillor in St Albans, serving a four-year term including a year chairing the council’s audit committee.

Since 2013 I’ve worked as a financial consulting for charities in the UK, preparing financial statements, funding applications, and supporting the board.

I am currently primarily focused on my work in the NHS, including representing Junior Doctors across the UK through roles within the BMA.

In my spare time I like to read, travel, follow most sports and have recently taken up singing.