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August Cuimhne Blog: Lively learning experience at the training in Lewisham

“5 gold stars – top marks – really appreciate the time and valuable insights…” 

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Blog by Cuimhne Champions Coordinator Zibiah Loakthar



Cuimhne training at Lewisham Community Care Centre

Cuimhne Patron Dr Mary Tilki and I were delighted to meet a wonderful group of community members, staff and volunteers at Lewisham Irish Community Centre (LICC) for a day of learning and lively discussion about memory loss and dementia. We shared experiences and good practice ideas for supporting people with memory loss, families and carers.

We discussed practical steps groups like LICC can take to become more dementia–friendly and the importance of training volunteers. 

Participants now plan to use the learning to support people with memory loss and told us how the training will help them:

“In my volunteering and with friends and family to give them support”

“It will put me in the right direction when I spot/notice anyone showing signs of dementia”

”To better support the pensioners group and also put in place things for myself too”

“Will (hopefully) hold on to the awareness of possible early warning signs of the ‘therapeutic environment’ creation – simple things which clients could do for family members”

”Being part of my Irish community with my beloved family and friends”

”To help support a dementia friendly group”

“By recognising that they may have visual problems”

”I will discuss with Friday and Monday group with intention to start up group – maybe around the story of LICC – 25 years”


Cuimhne Training Champions


Thank you to Kathleen Sheridan for coordinating the group and organising a wonderful healthy lunch and also to Annie Plank from Lewisham MindCare Dementia Support for coming along. Annie came along to both the talk on how assessment & diagnosis of dementia works locally and how people can access local services and to learn more about culturally specific needs of Irish community members in Lewisham.


Cuimhne training for people to become champions in Lewisham


And a big thank you to everyone who participated and made the day such an enjoyable useful and fruitful one. Well done to Carol F, Anne Marie R–T, Kathleen T, Angela H, Louise T, Everton C, Mary G, Frances M, Brenda D, Maria B and Kathleens T and S.  

It is exciting now to see ideas discussed turning into practical actions, making a positive difference in the community.


Get in touch

To find out about further training opportunities or to become a Cuimhne Champion contact the Champions Coordinator on 020 3903 0985 or email at

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