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Happy New Year from our Cuimhne team!


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The new year is traditionally a time of thinking anew about our individual and collective goals. It can be making fresh promises to ourselves, resolving to travel in a new direction, trying out a new hobby or activity, taking responsibility for looking after our own health and promoting wellbeing across the community.  Let’s make 2019 a year where we work together in our communities to promote equality and inclusivity, take care of our own and each other’s wellbeing and grow together as a strong, kind, generous and healthy Irish community in Britain.

There are thousands of new challenges about that we could take up. The trick is not to let ourselves be so dazzled by all the choices and opportunities that we end up not taking up any! There are many interesting ideas out there that require very little funding to run that we could each introduce as new initiatives into our own communities.  

‘Chess for the Brain’ for instance is a new project with Universal Board Games and Cat and Mouse Library and Hilldrop Community centre, in Tufnell Park Islington, particularly focussing on older people. It offers people the opportunity to come together in a social setting where positive thoughts can help boost immune systems, while at the same time exercising brain muscles to keep fit. 

This kind of activity is great keep–fit for the mind and a simple activity that community groups might set up to help people stay mentally active, slowing down the onset of dementia.  

At Irish in Britain, we would love to hear about new initiatives your groups may be launching in 2019. Our team are always happy to help you promote opportunities and only too pleased to share good practice ideas across our network!

New counselling services for people living with dementia and carers

Within our own Irish in Britain network, we are pleased to highlight that icap, with Ashford Place, is now offering fortnightly support for carers of loved ones diagnosed with Dementia.  Solas Carers Group enables carers to talk about the challenges and share their experiences, including the tools and services that have helped and a space to share with others and talk about what it is like to care for someone living with dementia. Solas is the Gaelic word for Light. 

There is also individual counselling for people who have been diagnosed with dementia and who need space to talk to someone about their worries.  For further information please contact: icap on 020 7272 7906 or Kamlesh Patel 020 8208 8590 ext 214 or email

These services are for Irish residents and people or Irish descent but will also consider residents from other communities.

Bhliain nua sásta